Security Invest, Juha Suominen

17.6.2019 eka puhelu Securitylta Juhalle, 24min.

Puhelu Security investiltä Juhalle 25.6.2019, 4 min.

  Päiväys 2019-07-22 11:32


Juttelin tänään Hansin kanssa. Hän oli katsonut lohkoketjua ja totesi,
että minun varani pitäisi saada vapautettua ennen ensi maanantaita,
koska sen jälkeen ne nollautuvat.
Koska rahamme ovat samassa lohkoketjussa, sen hallintaan tarvitaan
salainen avaimesi. En tiedä, mikä se on, mutta oletan, että se
tarkoittaa kukkarosi käyttäjätunnusta ja salasanaa.
Voisinko saada ko. tiedot?

Direktiivi 6MLD

From: "sup port" 
Sent: 19.6.2019 13:34:30
Subject: SSII

Dear Juha Suominen,

    Thanks for your message,
    Due to the partial blocking of the account,
    balance is divided into two parts:
    of BTC 1.82384 transfer will be transferred
    only for a personal verified wallet owned by Juha Suominen.
    of BTC ****** transfer will be transferred
    only for a personal verified wallet owned by Sanna Roine.
    Other options are not considered.
    This is the only guarantee that funds will be transferred according to origin.
    Or Juha Suominen will refuse this amount in favor of charity,
    this function is on the main page of the 

Best regards

    Security Invest Department 

    Phone:    +44 14 1628 8111
    Security Department Security Invest
    KFL branch
    Managed by Internаtionаl Mаrket Servicеs LTD,
    13 1st floor, Flat/Office 101 1065,
    Nicosia, Сурrus

From: "sup port" 
Sent: 25.6.2019 16:43:59
Subject: SSII

Dear Juha Suominen,

    Thanks for your message,
    Please note that you need to have exact amount in your wallet for verification,
    you do not need to transfer it anywhere.
    We also want to note that the amount is strictly dependent on the Bitcoin rate.
    Current rate you can see here.
    That's why your balance that you previously had BTC 1.81412294 at the rate of 6159.45 that was the amount of EUR 11,174
    Now BTC 1.81412294 at the rate of 9864.24 is EUR 17,895
    We also remind that investment in Bitcoin is not only profitable.
    Sometimes bitcoin falls in its price.
    You have to remember this,
    The fact that you earned on the rate earlier does not mean that it will be in the future.

Best regards

    Security Invest Department 

    Phone:    +44 14 1628 8111
    Security Department Security Invest
    KFL branch
    Managed by Internаtionаl Mаrket Servicеs LTD,
    13 1st floor, Flat/Office 101 1065,
    Nicosia, Сурrus

Fw: Verification
Lähettäjä Juha Suominen 
	Vastaanottaja Sanna Roine 
	  Päiväys 2019-07-02 17:54

    call_17-15-13_OUT_.amr (~2.3 Mt)
    Show options

Viestin runko

nyt prosessin pitäisi olla valmis. Supportin pitäisi vastata tähän,
mutta oletus on, että mitään lisätoimenpiteitä ei tarvita. Raha on
siirretty allaolevan mailin mukaiselle reverse HASH-tilille. Tämä
mahdollistaa verifioinnin ja sen jälkeen rahan pitäisi tulla
automaattisesti, sekä tämän 17teur että alkuperäisen
12teur, joskin tietysti kulut vähennettyinä. Sen jälkeen kykenenä muuttamaan ne euroiksi ja sieltä palauttamaan
pankkitililleni. Jos homma menee näin, niin hyvä. Huh.

Ohessa tiedoksi keskustelumme sille ajalle, kun pääset kuuntelun mahdollistavan laitteen ääreen.


Dear Juha Suominen,

Thank you for your attention,
Amount:       BTC 1.82384000
Clear amount: BTC 1.81412294
Fees:         BTC 0.00971706
Be careful!
The HASH, and the reverse HASH do not always match.
Use only reverse HASH for reverse transactions.
Your HASH:           1A6hG3kYF1yLkJrd9cUXqiv85GGuEbQvPQ
Your reverse HASH:   1B9ifHUTYqzm27cqQrgwBcMgvMVDuXu2aA
Check the current rate here .
Let us know, if you have additional questions.

------ Forwarded Message ------
From: "Juha Suominen" 
To: "sup port" 
Sent: 2.7.2019 17:39:41
Subject: Verification

Dear Security,

I have initiated a verification process from and created a personal intermediate which I choose -
Let me know further instructions what is needed to be done or should I just wait

Best regards

Juha Suominen
Teuvo Pakkalan tie 12D61
00400 Helsinki
0400-636 789

From: "sup port" 
Sent: 25.7.2019 18:39:21
Subject: SSII

Dear Juha Suominen,

    Thanks for your message,
    To complete transaction successfuly wallet needs to be fully verified,
    before accepting such type of transactions.
    We remind you that average time for transaction in blockchain system is 120 minutes.
    Missing turnover: BTC 6.09067567 
    Amount:       BTC 72.70006526
    Clear amount: BTC 72.69734726
    Fees:         BTC 0.002718
    HASH:         ae18e3035f3fcc101c16e2408334660eb15c37e8b4ef8fd48d222a70734e69d0
    Let us know if you have any questions. 

Best regards

    Security Invest Department 

    Phone:    +44 14 1628 8111
    Security Department Security Invest
    KFL branch
    Managed by Internаtionаl Mаrket Servicеs LTD,
    13 1st floor, Flat/Office 101 1065,
    Nicosia, Сурrus

From: "sup port" 
Sent: 25.7.2019 18:39:21
Subject: SSII

Dear Juha Suominen,

    Thanks for your message,
    To complete transaction successfuly wallet needs to be fully verified,
    before accepting such type of transactions.
    We remind you that average time for transaction in blockchain system is 120 minutes.
    Missing turnover: BTC 6.09067567 
    Amount:       BTC 72.70006526
    Clear amount: BTC 72.69734726
    Fees:         BTC 0.002718
    HASH:         ae18e3035f3fcc101c16e2408334660eb15c37e8b4ef8fd48d222a70734e69d0
    Let us know if you have any questions. 

Best regards

    Security Invest Department 

    Phone:    +44 14 1628 8111
    Security Department Security Invest
    KFL branch
    Managed by Internаtionаl Mаrket Servicеs LTD,
    13 1st floor, Flat/Office 101 1065,
    Nicosia, Сурrus

Sanna Roine
Kaskenpolttajantie 11 A1
02340 Espoo
puh. 040 583 7843